My business name is (as it will appear on my website and marketing materials):
My cocktail line (2 sentences that describe my business / what I do):
My business stands for (top 3 values):
I’ve been in business for ___ years:
My ideal client/customer is: (gender, age, geography, income, world view, personality)
The reason why s/he is my ideal client/customer is because:
How do you want your clients / customers to feel, what experience do you want them to have, when they come in contact with your visual brand for the first time?
These elements of my current identity/brand/website are working for me...and this feels like it's missing ...
I secretly wish my visual ID said this about me:
I sometimes worry it may say this about me now:
In the past I've tried these strategies to help my vision come across (who have you worked with, what have you tried on your own?):
I just KNOW I could deliver on THIS, or, I would be more powerful and influential in these areas if my visual ID captured the essence of who I am / what I stand for: (i.e. "I know I could approach tv producers with confidence if my visual ID said I was the go-to expert on X.")
Name three brands you covet + cherish, that reflect your personal style / that of your business (think outside the online marketing box!):
The reason I got into this business is:
The things I LOVE about my business are:
The biggest stumbling block / frustration in my business right now is:
I would describe my business' personality as (3-5 adjectives):
If I could afford any celebrity spokesperson it would have to be:
My company car would be (color + make):
If my business had to get dressed in the morning, it would put on:
Please note: all content/copy + photography must be completed before our project start date. The VIP is, on average, a 3 month process. So add 3 months to your ideal start date, or work back 3 months to your ideal wrap up/launch date to get an idea of our timeline.
The reason why I'd like to work with you is: